Research departments tend to approach problem-solving issues from several directions. There’s the overwhelming need to improve existing products, to refine what already works. Additionally, engineers keep their fingers on the pulse of new developments and find innovative ways to redefine the operational parameters of a product, often taking the product back to the drafting board if necessary. It’s a process where evolution meets revolution, a design course that’s currently being charted by crane manufacturers as they find safer ways to do more tasks.
The study of lifting dynamics is an art. Real world obstacles are encountered and conquered. Mathematical engineering issues a similar challenge to environmental conditions, delivering products that have marathon-like stamina. For example, new retrofitting solutions have to be developed to integrate cutting-edge cranes within older warehouse settings. The runways angle and split around old columns and eccentrically shaped architectural features with the express intent of emphasizing the smooth transport of the bridge section. Whether the angle is a straight-forward run down the factory floor or an oblique twist around an enclosed section of warehouse storage, the crane works with a uniform push and pull. Research and development science regards these conveyance issues with a skilled eye, resolving potential jam zones by applying a proactive engineering solution. The focus of research and development emphasizes the following disciplines:
- Safe operation above all else
- A high-quality design ethic that keeps costs affordable
- Consolidation of reliability factors
- The Global Track commitment to refine the world’s first pivotal crane
- A do more with less approach. The capacity to smoothly move large loads with minimal effort
Repeated analysis of typical load and lift scenarios enables the design of a crane or hoist to focus on reliable cargo transferal, the conveyance of a standard dimensional object from point A to point B. Of course, real world situations don’t always stick to these standard lifting scenarios, meaning a research and development department has to address countless other factors when keeping the process consistently jam-free and safe. The analysis incorporates eccentric and off-balance load factors, the integration of anti-crabbing designs that partner with the smooth movement of overhead rails, and the streamlining of initial costs so that high-quality components always dominate the design.
Finally, it’s tempting for some manufacturers to place the burden of design on the bridge and lifting mechanism, but a full picture approach requires an expansion of scope. A high quality and reliable final product does emphasize the innovative functions of the bridge, but this practice expands to include the supporting assets, the beams that contain the weight of the crane. New crane and hoist products maximize existing lifting floor space and utilize technological innovations to ensure vertical transport versatility is matched by lifting fluidity, assets that are only exceeded by safety requirements and operator-related features.